A bit confused with the new EquipableItem

I used the new Equipable to create a weapon, then I found out there was no other stats such as weapon speed, weapon range, weapon model prefab, etc.
so I created an old weapon (image Top), but guess what! it did no do any additional damage other than my base damage from level stat.
Do I have to add every stat into the new EquipableItem script? Is the old “Make New Weapon” still useful? Why isn’t my Old Weapon doing any damage anymore? where should I go to debug it?

The weapons should always be the Weapon. The Weapon inherits from EquipableItem, which allows us to give it an Equip Location and be equipped in our Equipment. StatsEquipment should pick up the Weapon Damage and Percentage Bonus when the weapon is equipped through the IModifierProvider interface which should be on the WeaponConfig.

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