9:43 in video "I think I ended up in the foreground"

I think it’s due to when we’re saying:

rigidBody.freezeRotation = false;

the changes we’ve done to the freeze rotation in Unity, resets.

This is causing my rocket to fly mostly behind my pads if I tilt it too much on a landing.
Do we need these lines in the code?

I’m also having issues with the rotation of my rocket. My pivot is in center on the parent, however It’s rotating around the bottom.

Hi Mads,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, this code does not work as expected. Ben replaces it with an actual solution at the end of lecture “Spit & Polish” (currently #72). Please feel free to jump to that lecture if you cannot proceed with the course due to the rotation.

Regarding the pivot point, did you set the two buttons next to the Play button to “Pivot | Global”? “Centre” is not the pivot point.

Hey Nina,
Thank you! :slight_smile:

Cheers for the response - it doesn’t cause any problems per se so I’ll just follow along for now.
My rotations point is set as “center, global” and when I rotate the parent in the scene, it rotates around the center, however when I’m in gamemode, it rotates around the pivot (or the bottom of the parent).

The pivot point always refers to the position of the selected game object. The children of that game object move and rotate relative to their parent’s position. For this reason, I find the “Centre” button somewhat misleading and prefer to keep it set to “Pivot”.

To solve your problem, select the children (not the parent!) and move them down a bit. The pivot point will simultaneously move upwards relative to their position.

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