84. Unity’s Waypoint Utility Scripts

How do i import the waypoint scripts , cant seem to find it.
even tried installing the latest editor version 2022.12
kindly suggest thanks


Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

In which course are you? What Waypoint Utility script do you mean? I’m asking because I remember that we used it in an older version of our course. Those videos have been moved to an archive course because the content is heavily outdated. We do not support it anymore. If you follow the videos of the archived courses, it might be that assets do not exist anymore. You could try to download them from the git repositories but it might be that they will not work in modern versions of Unity anymore.

Thanks For your reply Nina, You are correct I’ve been advancing with the older - Archived version of the course :slight_smile: did not have any problem till this point … I’m going to do the Argon Assault using the new course material. Hopefully won’t find any glitch. Thanks for the support

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