7.200something: Hands on issue

I was trying to make a hand with some subsurface modifiers, and, like with the head sculpt, hoped to add some “warmth” as a separate vertex colour. However, when I tried, It was not working as I had expected it to. Instead of adding colour, it only added black. The hand itself would only show white. No other colour. In fact, if I painted with white over the original white, it would turn black…

Possible areas for the issue?

  1. Hands have their own vertex group- would this affect it?
  2. Hands have weight paint on them
  3. Hands have hair particle system attached.

I tried it on a new mesh, a sphere. Still the same issue.

However, I made a sphere in a new file, and it worked.

I placed the hands in another file, and it worked too, well sort of…

This happened:

Strange array of colours appeared. However, I could now paint the colour I want, only issue now, I need to delete that awful colouring, but painting does not offer an erase option that I know of.

Any ideas?

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Looks to me, like some sort of UV-mapping problem.

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Is the hand part of the same mesh as the rest of the body?
Seems odd to go white specifically like that. Perhaps there is a vertex group that has some specific things used on it that separate its results from the rest of the body? (Oh reads more there is a vert group.)

I would try changing things related to that vert group.

You could make a separate hand that is just the hair emitter, hiding the ‘emitter’ from the render.

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It ended up being a few things, but I got it working.


  1. Yes I have vertex groups, and the hands are there own, hence the sudden cut off.

  2. I didn’t Unwrap my model for painting, so I am not sure how the UV thing was going strange.

  3. The hair thing did not seem to matter.

But regardless, it helped me know what wasn’t the problem and get my problem solving skills spinning.

Thus I could only think of one thing: the Principled BSDP:

  1. I made a new one for the material and put it off to the side (just in case it wasn’t the issue)

  2. I plugged in the new one, and most of my problems vanished.

  3. Played around with the new one to get some of the old results: How I was using subsurface modifier was one of the reasons I had problems.

  4. Plugged in my Vertex colour but with some similar problems appearing

  5. Realized that it was my vertex paint setting, which I did not take a picture of, which I should have.

Vertex Painting:

  1. Why black and white? Red and white?

It changed colour according to what my subsurface modifier colour was: if white, then I would have black paint, if red, red paint for all colours.

Issue: I had my settings on “color” which does not simply mean “to color the color I want”, but rather does some strange things I did not want.

  1. Fix? I set vertex painting to mix. Done.

Now my hands are being coloured as I want them to be.

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