7:20 My Curve does not do this

Anyone have any suggestions? My bezier curve is not doing that when I click and drag. It looks between smaller points. I deleted my path and redid it a few times just like he does…it looks like the path automatically makes 2 points for the curve before I do. Idk why that happens.

I don’t quite understand what you’re experiencing, but I checked the video and I think it might be because the point handle and the bezier handles are directly on top of each other in this view. You’re not the first person to have problems with this.

Instead of being in perfect top view, try changing the angle of your view a bit until you can see a clear difference between the handles; that’s what I needed to do. You should also check out Azu’s solution, as several people have found it useful for them:


I had difficulty with my beziers because my top view was defaulting to orthographic and the handles are drawn in a way where they don’t have depth to be able to grab them properly.

Changing the camera angle will introduce some undesired rotation on the other axes. Staying in top but using perspective mode should lock your changes on X/Z and keep your Y fixed


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In the video it looks like it’s behaving like GIMP’s path tool but nothing moves when I do like the video said, and when I do like critter said it just… twists the straight line.

Someone uploaded video solution in an older thread we missed

I found a workaround for this.

  1. Click on Path3D node to open the Inspector
  2. Click on the Curve3D dropdown assigned to the Curve property
  3. Click on the “Points” dropdown to open list of points
  4. Set the x (or z) axis to of the “Out” property to 1 in ALL the points except the first and last

When you do this, the UI will show the handle that controls the curve. Then you click and drag like in the video. The points are ordered based on when you added them. The reason why you don’t modify the Out property in the first or last is because they don’t need a curve. Hope this helps

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