7.188: Eye can see!

Eye spy with my little eye,
an elder with an eye to try,
Or maybe two to look right through,
All shined up to look brand new!

Here is an old face with a new eye:

He find’s the eyes are worth a smirk.

The only issue I am seeing now is that I really don’t know how to approach wrinkles. They them wrinkles be a hard affair!


Looking good, though it looks to me as if his left eye is ever so slightly off center. It looks like it’s a smidgen too far toward his right (his nose). His right eye, however, looks fine.

Otherwise, this is really coming along well. :grinning:

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I took your comment to heart and zoomed on in toward that problematic area. Quickly I brought out my handy ruler. Sure enough, there it was, zoomed in, about a quarter centimeter difference! Oh no!

So I fixed that pesky little blemish and I am very happy with the results:

No… that was after a few shots of rum.

Otherwise, this is how it looks:


YES! Now both eyes are centered nicely. :grinning:

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I can also see how the shadow can “enhance” the off-center look. The shadow coming off the nose makes it look like the eye is closer than it ought.

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Yes, I stared at it for a while at first, and then realized it was the shadow, so zoomed in closer, and realized his right eye was fine, as it was only the left that was slightly off.


Ha, I suppose you resorted to a ruler as well just to make sure?

We would not want to rule anything out :wink:

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Not quite, but not a bad idea, now that you mention it. :rofl:

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