7.183: Going Neck on Neck

Coming along not too badly I think. The head looks like a head, the ears look like ears, a nose is a nose (who knows?), and we now have a neck with some stubs off to the side to depict shoulders.

A bit of a beefy old feller, but I might go in later to do some cleanup.

I also noticed that between my two reference pictures, The shoulders are at different levels- the front picture is shrugging upwards and the head is rotated along the Z axis to the left, and the side shot is lower. I had to make a few adjustments to try to make these things work, using the frontal reference as my primary reference.

As a side note: Rick mentioned if anyone would be interested in an anatomy blender course. I certainly would.


Developing well. A bit of smoothing needed, he is a bit lumpy currently.

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Agreed. The side profile in particular.

Currently he is a potato sack with holes punched in the face for eyes.

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