503 Error


I’m new to the course and I’m currently on the Use SerializeField video but the course along with everything else has a 503 Error code. How do I fix this?

I have the same issue here. Don’t know how to fix it sorry.

In my line of work a 503 is usually a server side issue. The best you can do is report it and wait.


Could you please share your relevant code as formatted text? Apart from the 503 error, does your code/game otherwise work? Which version of Unity do you use?

As @thbbt wrote, the error usually points to an issue in the context of servers. We do not do anything with servers in this course, so it might be that the error is caused by an internal problem in Unity, not from [SerializeField] or something else in your code.

There was a server issue. See this post from @Brian_Trotter

Thank you all for responding! It works now so all is well.

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