404 Page Not Found for functions


Feeling very frustrated right now.

As detailed in the below thread, the “you beaut” tool (Intellisense) that our lecturers use to great extent, to the point where they instruct us to use it in order to make coding solutions does not work.

Now, In the long run, I believe this will make me a better learner.

While Intellisense is broken and I am unable to use it as instructed, I am forced to revise my notes and do proper research of the Unreal Documentation.
I am learning more thoroughly than I would if Intellisense was actually working.

However, I am currently at this point in the lecture 126 of Building_Escape:
Timestamp 06:31

The lecturer instructs us to use Intellisense in order to find an appropriate function.
As Intellisense does not work, I search the Unreal Documentation for ATriggerVolume.

The first two search results should hold info on available functions, but they open up with “404 Page Not Found”.

The third search result is more Blueprint orientated.

The following search results are all Discussions, not actual Reference pages.

So the problem is now this:
What do we do when the “you beaut construction tool” our lecturers use does not work and the Unreal Reference is unavailable?

Now, I’m not one to complain as healthy forums have members who do their own homework and help others.
And for the advice that others gave in that previous thread, I was very thankful.
Because no one learns anything by being hand-fed solutions to their problems.

But if the instructors assume that such an integral tool is working and rely on it heavily, when it appears that the current version (4.26) has a bug that is not fixed, and the core Unreal Reference pages are 404 errors, then what is the go ?

This has other users with the same problem.
Is there an unresolved bug with Unreal or VS Code ?

I’ve more-or-less accepted that Intellisense is stuffed.

But how do we search for lists of applicable functions to use when both Intellisense and Unreal Documentation is broken?

We can’t do anything about Unreal Documentation, so how about a fix for the other one.

I really hate to drag this out, but documentation is unavailable for reference, and our lecturers instruct us to use something that possibly has major bugs in the current version. How do we fix this?

Where did you find those links? It’s missing an /Engine/. Searching Google on my end for "ATriggerVolume" comes up with the right link

ATriggerVolume | Unreal Engine Documentation

Though that doesn’t actually define the function. ATriggerVolume doesn’t add much to what it inherits from, so walk up the inheritance tree (it’s a clickable link) and you’ll see each one doesn’t really add a whole lot. You will eventually end up at AActor which has that defined

AActor::IsOverlappingActor | Unreal Engine Documentation

Hello again Dan,

I typed “ATriggerVolume” in the search field in the top-right of the window.
The above is the page of search results.
Very odd behaviour.

Anyway, I can see your page just fine, and clicking up the inheritance tree I arrived at AActor, then found the list of functions that ATriggerVolume inherits.

Thanks for the help!

Looks like the redirect service has a bug. The api.unrealengine.com link is correct but redirects to a docs.unrealengine.com page that is missing an /Engine/ :man_shrugging:.

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