4.38 Dependency Injection - wall not moving, error in BP_SecretWall?


I’ve almost finished the 4.38 part of the Unreal Engine C++ course, was on a real homestretch, I hit compile, and then the following happened.

Looks like I may have zigged when I should have zagged. I’ve thought I was following the instructions of the course to the letter, but obviously I’ve missed something somewhere. What I do think is worth mentioning, is that as I was doing the course, I noticed the instructor’s “Mover” was present in BP_Secret Wall, but I had to manually add mine? Any advice appreciated.

Edit - I just closed UE editor and the Visual Studio, now there isn’t an error. However, when I move the gargoyle statue to the secret wall nothing happens.

Have the tags been properly set?

Hi, thank you for your reply.

I’ve got the following tag on the SM_Gargoyle Statue Instance:

I’ve got the following tag on the “Trigger” of the BP_SecretWall:

Am I missing any tags? I’ve been going through 4.36-4.38, and my code is seemingly at the same level as 4.38, so this should be working? What am I missing please?

And everything else is set up? Could you show the blueprint?

Or if you prefer you could send me your project using the following link:

Please use File > Zip Project within Unreal as this will ensure only required files are zipped up and things like the Binaries are excluded.

I am under the impression everything else is set up, now I’ve got a nagging feeling I’ve missed something. I’m trying to upload the full project in the link you gave, however it is saying the link I’m providing to this thread is not valid (!) [link I’m using is 4.38 Dependency Injection - wall not moving, error in BP_SecretWall?]. Please see a screenshots of the BP_SecretWall:

I appreciate your help with this.

Would you mind posting the exact error message? In the meantime you could upload this to your own Google Drive (or similar service) and link it here.

Hi, here is the error message I get on the form - don’t know if anyone else is having this problem:


I’ve put the file on my google drive:

Generate Overlap Events was disabled and the Mover’s offset was 0.

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