3d texture Roughness and AmbientOcclusion in the same map

I understand the textures types and use them very good now.
I encounter texture maps which includes both Roughness and AmbientOcclusion on the same map.
what is the use of it? how to use it?

Roughness plugs into roughness. AO is mixed with the colour/diffuse, into the colour of the principled bdsf.

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thanks, I know those usages.
I found textures that have the Roughness and AO but also have an addition map which includes both. the map color is Pink.

the Node Wrangler add-on, will also handle this.

thank you @FedPete.
My question is “what is the use of it? how to use it?”.
why we need both maps on the same file?

To improve texturing and later on post processing!
Texturing is not only color, roughness, bump map, normal map … pro’s use many other parameters generated by Blender. All to be used in the post processing part of 3D art.

thank you.
will try it.

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