3D Animations/Motion Graphics

Following Polygon Runway tutorials:

Following Ducky3D tutorials:

I then came back, made some adjustments, and animated it to create this:

Following Ducky3D’s tutorial I made this first image:

It inspired me to keep playing with Geometry nodes, and so I created this adjustment to it and all of the below series:

During June I was making a short series I called Abstract Questions, below are some of the animations from that. Inspired by the above animation, they all use geometry nodes. I wanted to do a rainbow and use the Blender basic meshes as a way to show them off.

Let me know what’s your favorite thing out of these. I’ll upload more Motion graphic related things to this thread in the future.


Didn’t watch the Indigo (appreciate the flicker warning), but clearly you’ve found some inspiration again! I completely missed the written question in Magenta until I saw it in Orange. I think my favourite thing here though was actually the rocket and planet, and their frankly comical proportions. Something about that, along with the stars clipping in and out of view, just feels really nice. It’s almost like a children’s mobile =)


Poor cow!

All fun mini animations, well made.


Try to introduce waves.
Now it’s all rotating.

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Few more Motion graphic animations I made over the past few weeks in between art fight. It ended on the 3rd so I’m able to get back to practicing some other things now.

I didn’t expect to enjoy motion graphics so much, it feels like something I’ll likely always want to try and make every now and again.


All of these are mesmerizing, and all in a different way. Nice!


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