2D Unreal Course - Anim Notify: Graph Not Editable?


following along with this less, I created the blueprint class, and opened it up. went to add the functions but they don’t appear on the graph like the video. I get a message that the graph isn’t editable, and it opens them under Paper Zd, and not under the EventGraph like the instructor has. Is there some setting I’m missing? You can see in this picture what I mean.

also, the function that the instructor had us make Blueprint Callable using UFUNCTION() is not showing up either. Double checked VS and it is a UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable). I closed Unreal, did a rebuild, and I have tried deleting the AnimNotifyState and making a new one multiple times.

Still does not work. What could be wrong? Until I figure this out I’m stuck.

Ah, yes, this is fine. there was a change a little while after the course launched that changes how the functions are added. They work in the same way as in the course, just defined differently.

so if I continue on it will work fine?

also, my BlueprintCallable UFUNCTION isn’t showing up. is there something I didn’t do?

No, it should show. Do the close, build open and see if it shows.

that did not work:

any other suggestions?

EDIT:: Just to be clear, I’m trying to cast to the player blueprint in this picture. It isn’t showing up like it does for Kaan.

Ok, I am not sure what is going on here so can you delete binaries, intermediate and DerivedDataCache and upload the zipped folder to https://gdev.tv/projectupload and I’ll take a look at asap.

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so 20 minutes after I posted that edit, I took a walk to get some water and check my phone.

Decided to check again and all of a sudden now the Blueprint_PlayerCharacter shows up for me to Cast to. I have no idea what changed or why, but it is working now. It’s annoying that I can’t explain why it didn’t work and now all of a sudden it does, but regardless I’m relieved it is working and I can continue going.

My BlueprintCallable function is showing up as well. Thanks again for your help. You’re always very patient and helpful.

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I know how frustrating it can be and see weird things every day. I spent 6 hours today trying to fix a bug and went away, grabbed a coffee and fixed it in 2 minutes…just popped into my head. It happens.

There does seem to be a strangeness here, I know you’ve been seeing a few problems over the course and honestly, UE isn’t like this. There’s something strange going on here and I wish I could say what it was.
If you see this or anything like this again, let me know and send me the files. it’s the fastest way to help, honestly.

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