2D Grapple Gun Quest Results

Not sure if this will play here or not - haven’t tried video on the forums before.

This is my result from the 2D Grapple Gun Quest. I’ve done all of the ones leading up to this and I’ll post more later, but I’ve been loving going through these and testing my skillset.

I decided to add some Kenney stars and use the grapple to “activate” them (change their color) and start a compound particle effect I created. I also changed the color of the grapple line, added some audio loops and sound effects I got from Splice, and fixed some of the quirks with the platform art that seemed to be causing glitching.

I think the import settings are what was causing the problem on the PlatformSmall/PlatformLarge art. If you’re having the same issue that I was, you might try changing the Wrap Mode in the settings of the image. Specifically, use Clamp.

Can’t wait to continue with these. :slight_smile: Onto the next one!

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