2D game grab and climb up system

Hi all,
I would like to know how to make 2d sprite player grab and then climb up on top of a edge/corner of a ground/platform made of tiles like in Dead Cells for example. Have anyone tried to do some behaviour like this or just somebody knows where can I find tutorials / knowledge?

This would code down to code and animations right. Climbing is really no different than walking or running you just need to account for the vertical surface

I mean when we’re for example falling like in assassin’s creed we sould be able to grab something and climb up. I’d like to know who to fit character properly to the edge and then run animation. Empty game objects with triggers on every edge? Then setting the player position to an “anchor” attached as a child or the empty game object itself? This is what i thought about but i’d like to know other sugestions :slight_smile:

You would not need an empty on every edge, assuming the wall has a collider, you just need the contact point of the hit. Part of the collision. Set your transform accordingly then you would have to match rotation to make it look right.

As far as the transition from climbing to running, you would have to incorporate the rotation into the blendtree.

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