2d game assets creator course


There is a similar course from GameDev but it focused on pixel art.

The course which I am going to suggest related to Vector Art and 2D Animation so we can work as 2D game animator as well.

Suggested topics in the course:

A. Vector art design with Inkscape (or similar free and opensource vector graphic application):

  • background design
  • character design
  • UI design (Menu, Buttons, …)
  • Props (Coin, platform, …)
  • spritesheet and tilemaps

B. 2D animation assets with DragonBones (or similar free and opensource 2D animation application):

  • Cut out animation
  • Skeleton, Rigging
  • Humanoid Animation
  • Export to Unity

C. Unity 2D Skelton animation tool

Thank you

How curious, they announced a kickstarter for a drawing course. Take a look.


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