2024 Collab: Week 51 “Snowman” - VOTE CLOSED


It was intended to be a thermal protector, but I was very late this time to add any hints. It was my interpretation of a lot of images of snowmen with coats I had found as an inspiration that made me think exactly that :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Well, this is a nice WIP of a WIP for a snowman :smiley:. That view is very interesting. What camera focal length did you use for this?

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That is a huge snowman! And the camera angle is great. You got that in 14mm or something equivalent to create the fish eye effect? Great concept! I would have never thought of something from a macro scale.

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@mfortunato & @Megane_Wang
Thanks, what I was going for was a wide-angle shot from a news helicopter, I wanted to add “Live News” banners and a CRT effect but I just didn’t have time, I may still polish up the piece and post it finished.

As for the fisheye effect, you can change Blenders camera to panoramic and then select from various panorama types and tweak the settings.


I belive it only works in cycles though, no idea why.


Thank you! I see it’s a 15-mm fisheye lens. I have one of these - a physical one :laughing:. Now I see that I had overlooked the Type options for the camera, thank you very much!


This week we have three winners (due to low votes). Congratulations for the winning entries of @FedPete , @Turgul and @mfortunato.

All entries give a certain twist to the snowman theme. Most have a funny interpretation of the theme or a special execution. Very creative everyone!

It was a very nice Blender Collab year-end!
Next week, we start with the year 2025 edition.
I wish all participants a beautiful and healthy 2025.
Keep learning and practice a lot. Also show your projects, that you are making outside of the Collab.

Have fun


Thank you for running these Collabs :star_struck:. Have a nice 2025!


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