2024 Collab: Week 49 “Sleds” - VOTE CLOSED

Thanks for the explanation. I forget about some of the modifiers and sometimes end up doing things the hard way in Blender.


In keeping with my 2.5D comics/cartoon theme, here is my recreation of Calvin & Hobbes from the original cover of the “Authoritative Calvin & Hobbes” collection.

Camera view of just the models:

Perspective view of just the models:

Perspective view with the grease paint layer:

Final Render:




That’s so sweet! I have never thought to do something like that on a wall but it’s such an excellent idea!

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It was a difficult project. How do you scale a small picture. I traced it onto a transparent sheet of plastic. Then built my own projector … A cardboard box with a magnifying glass, a strong lamp behind the copy. But I couldn’t get it strong enough. The solution was to draw out the rough lines in the semi-darkness.

The lines are black tape (5 mm). Because you can then stick them in flowing lines and often cut them with a knife.

In some places the tape comes loose, because it has been stretched too far.
In the process you learn … have fun.


Holy c**p! i thought that was a decal or something. You really worked to create that wonderful image on your wall.



That sled is HUGE and that dude looks terrified! It’s great. Nice job on his scared expression, too.


I gotta say, this is kind of mind-blowing to look at. It’s amazing what you can do with blender. Great stuff!


My next experiment, I want to try a combination of drawing grease pencil on a 3D object (like the tutorial @FedPete Shared) as well as using Blender’s auto outline with grease pencil to see if I can do some simple 2.5D animations. Like a camera pan with parallax scrolling.


Working on this… I am not sure whether it is a sled, but oh well :woman_shrugging:

This is the one for this week :grinning:


That’s funny, I had the same idea! I like your vision better.

sled 2D

Santa Sled - 04


We @BlenderCollab have a few days to vote. You can vote fast but also think slowly about design, colors, technique, difficulty, subject, realism, etc. Choose consciously and not on your entry.
The new subject week 50 “Favorite thing about December” has already started. The winner of this week’s “Sleds” challenge may select a subject for next week 51 and win a badge.


I like your version too :smiley:. I think that my final render is a bit dark. I am afraid it has to do with my working allnighters this week and tired eyes. :laughing:


Looks great.

Tis the season. Just when you wish things would wind down, work seems to ramp up right before the holidays. While I’m not at all nighter territory, I am working longer hours and working during the weekends just to get the extra work done before the new year. Tired eyes indeed.


This is a great Santa sled design. I really like the concept art. The idea of plugging the sled into the North Pole sign is genius!

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I definitely need to improve my setup for better color management! (I had a better one when working as a photographer :woman_facepalming: :laughing:). Now even others should be able to see it :rofl:


The sled looks excellent, @Megane_Wang. Great job color/lighting correcting.

@Congratulations for this week goes to @mfortunato with great cartoon. Blender is so versatile.

  • Megane_Wang - I like your hovering sled effect! And yes the adjusted version has more ‘nighttime’ effect (great improvement).
  • JoeyCuevas - Nice cell-shaded style. Consider the scaling of the objects.
  • xealstrag - I like the details (the rope). But I got the feeling that the sled looks tiny. Maybe of the rope - Never work from memory …

Note: I don’t want to offend anyone. I try to write down positive ideas and visions in my simple use of the English language. I am also sometimes more inspired by a particular subject or solution. I’m also learning from you!


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