2022 Collab: Week 4 “Chocolate”, CLOSED

Nooo, don’t be intimidated! You’ll never know what you can do if you don’t try. Also, the idea of the Collab is to help and push each other further


Great entries again, really a toss up which to vote for.

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I couldn’t agree with you more! This is DEFINITELY going to be hard to choose just one favorite. ~sigh~


Ohh… So low on scores!

Never thought I simulated that Bad!

Will improve on simulations, and seems no point putting forth differences of PBR and Procedural.

Next time, I will go by the Visuals.

That’s helpful for my machine too!

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By voting patterns, thinking of that one person who voted in my favor.

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I was originally trying to do a simulation as well, just turned out to be harder than expected.

Doesn’t matter!

It’s about visuals!

Well, then why 3D, Game Engines et - al?

Photoshop is not bad !

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Because it is cheaper than hiring a photo studio and or preparing the scene in real life.
With 3D you can easily exchange objects etc.
If you see a magazine with kitchen design, it’s probably 3D. Or furnature.


Yes I was surprised a while ago when I read how much stuff in catalogues and adverts is all rendered models now not apparently simple photos.


That limits the scope of 3D then. Photo studios still exists and may be will continue existing.

May be, I am wrong or may be it is rendering that has a very limited scope.

So putting less pressure on machine and saving the compute power for something better makes more sense.

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Artist already made beautiful things, with less hardware then nowadays.
I think is’t all about experience and creativity on how to solve technical things.
I have a simple laptop. But capable of doing nice projects. I keep track of my vertices number count.
But even if you have a high end machine, then still you need to be low on vertices.
More vert doesn’t mean better projects. It all about how you spend them.


I am rather thinking something else, aloud albeit.

This way, we all are harnessing a limited potential of Blender, that I feel is restricting our own learning and capabilities (of both ours as well as of Blender).

Thinking, can we have a Collab 2 kind of collaboration, where everyone interested, starting from one who have joined the course today, where we create our own assets, environments, simulations, architectural structures, characters, rig and animation together on a script, render and present to the world? and the world may also include Blender itself!

It will be a great learning not only on artistic way but also on the way a large project is to be taken!

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Having said that, I always say Hardware is a no limit table and can immerse the entire lifetime’s income of one, and go unsatiated.

Vert count is extremely important. Even if an asset is designed for a Game Engine. Every game engine has it’s own cap of Vert counts.


@ZachDude Congratulations for your excellent piece of life like product display. It look incredible tasty! The slight touch of out-of-focus (macro lens like), the bevel of the spoon and the whipped cream, blue berries hidden away. Very impressive! I would say, if you placed this in a magazine, nobody would noticed it was generated!

But the competition was also high quality on techniques, composition and chocolate texture.

  • igorfv - While your sponge cake was beautifully made, chocolate flowed on the plate. It misses details. As if all the objects were not connected, but loose objects (cheap restaurant). And if the cake was cut by a spoon, the dynamics of it all would be different. Messier…
    The cola glass does take away visual attention of the product (because it’s dark). Also, I think the camera blur is too strong. The strawberry isn’t clearly visible. But, at first sight, it looks realistic.
  • Blest - Welcome back. As usual, you have a human interest story to tell. Here the chocolate isn’t the main story, but more the reason of this product. What I find impressive is the use of chocolate-related visuals. “Manneke pis” (Belgium) , chocolate fountain. What I miss is the next level of the render, textures, materials …
  • Willrun - Every chocolate product is there on the table. But probably also the main problem of the composition. Too much to look for. The models are good, but it is more a presentation of chocolate objects. I think you wanted to show all the objects you’ve made in full glory. Try to focus on one or two, the rest are just accessories (blurred, out of view, in the background).
  • NP5 - I like your chocolate texture. But the scene is too simple. Chocolate laying on a plastic floor? It looks too mechanical (array-like).
  • umishrak - You had a different approach. The creation of a chocolate bar. A really nice idea! But the storytelling was a bit confusing. Like the puppet in the background … how does it relate to the making of chocolate? And I think the bottles are too small in relation to the chocolate bar. I would have reused the colors of the bowls in the plate.

I must say the level of entries was high this time. And I see a certain growth in all of you. So, practice modeling does help. Independend of your end goals or preferences. It was a good lesson this week.


Well @FedPete for this time Please allow me disagree with your Observations. I am pointing out the reasons

a) May be the story didn’t suit a few, and the comment suggests You too. Good! Absolutely no Problems. But did Dante suits all? Obviously not. So, thank you, I did never and will go dictated way of storytelling. The best I will be rejected and shouted upon. Well Thanks for the time I couldn’t be stoned, like Nicolaus Copernicus.

b) I am sure there is no harm keeping a puppet in the “Kitchen”. Now the dripping chocolate was coming from above, and I was expecting the critique: who’s dropping Molten Chocolate from that angle. With further critiques I posted I was sure it will not be the point; and so did it happen. Thanks for that. we have one life and limited experiences, please try not proving others right.

c) Colors of Bowls: They are individual’s preferences. From next time on, if you so desire let people know the color preferences of the Collabs.

d) Bottles, may would have been the issue, but kept silent till now telling me this? Well, I could have coated the Crock Black. nozzles metal etc etc.

Well If you feel a degenerative voting system to be justified by anything and everything by writing, well carry on.

Another thing, you did suggest how I should tell others on one instance, does that apply to you?

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Do not be disappointed if a lot of work has not led to the desired result! The amount of high quality work can be overwhelming at first sight. But again we are all learning here! And I know, my opinion is just an opinion. And English isn’t my native language.
But I think you also would like to improve your work! Everybody looks very different to a composition. With that in mind, you need to build up the scene, make a composition with items that viewers understand. Which explains/tells the viewer what you, as an artist, want to express.

a) I am not disappointed.

b) May I suggest, instead of pointing out what failed entries didn’t achieve, you start telling what winners achieved. In this case, I assure you, you say and I will come back the way I did now. I have never seen much poor entry winning on any platform. Want to give a think?

c) Pick up any work in the world; say Monna Lisa, and give it to the present artist. They are more evolved and they will give you a better result. But, the renaissance advocates will not accept anything, and will continue with their absurd theory of metaphysics behind Monna Lisa.

English is no language to me as well, as I am from India and more so from Hindi Speaking belt.

I am writing to improve upon the situations here, if you may please think this way.

Nothing against winners, they have already won. But be the critique (and not criticism) directed towards winners. Won’t that be a more achieving the goal being suggested?

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Hope, now you understand what I said and why I said!

If still not, well you won’t stop. Normal Homo Sapiens don’t!

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I am still pretty new to this site and collab, but I quite like the system. It’s very cool and inspiring to see other’s interpretations of each subject, and the works in progress for how everyone goes about making it. I also appreciate the feedback given after each week, regardless of who wins the vote. :slight_smile:


Now I think, you have more reasons to introspect.

After all, you have seen your Youth and Teens!

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