2022 Collab: Week 2 “Desert” - CLOSED


Lizard sculpted in ZBrush and painted in Substance Painter. All else done with Blender :).

Tutorials watched: How to make realistic plants in Blender | Part 3 Aloe Vera - YouTube

How to Make an AWESOME Desert Landscape in Blender in Just 15 Minutes! Tutorial with Sand Dunes! - YouTube

Procedural Rock Material (Blender Tutorial) - YouTube

Procedural Sand (Blender Tutorial) - YouTubeThis text will be hidden

Here is my submission done :slight_smile: Turns out the eagle was too ambitious after all, so I learned how to make this cool plant instead.
The idea came from watching a desert documentary for inspiration, and there was a short snippet on the blue headed agama, which did ‘pushups’ to attract a mate and would turn blue in the face. I thought this was just too funny to pass up, but I guess I took liberties with the coloring. Anyways, please critique! :grinning:


Very nice composition.

Agama made the rocks wet in desert?


Some rocks become glossy in the desert heat. There is phenomena called rose of desert. If you lucky you my find it. Its sand crystals and clay that clump under the heat of sun and form shapes that look like rose flowers. Interestingly it is rarer than diamond and yet not as expensive.


You think ships were invented when deserts were still oceans? :thinking:


May be!

We don’t have any evidences the other way too.

Or, once what was sea has now become an desert. At least we have evidences of this phenomena. For example The Great Rann of Kutch.


Thats different type of shiny desert stone

And a bit shiny rose thingy


Thanks for the information.

I never knew it.

Thanks God! It’s not Agama :rofl:

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Its appreciated when looked at in full screen. Lovely made. Modelling, colours, and eyes! Top notch. Even aloe vera pinched :slight_smile: Nice realism.
One thing though. If he had his legs stretched back and together pushups would work more for the upper body :wink:


Update. Was too busy this week, so reused a castle from an earlier project :sweat_smile: And I know… Dry sand wouldn’t keep that shape :see_no_evil: So let’s imagine that someone who built it had a bucket full of water!


Very interesting work of art.
Are you aware of the rule of thirds …


It is not unknown deserts move.


Yes, I am aware of it :slightly_smiling_face: However, I usually decide where to put camera by the eye :sweat_smile: even though I think Blender provides a grid for it

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Hmm. What the…?
Its actually matter of centuries. I thought deserts were deserts for tens of thousand of years at least.
I like that one in Namibia.


But we design and render for others to relish and appreciate.

Don’t we?

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Desert, Sea & Space.

Nobody have ever understood them.

They hold many secrets within them, only to reveal segments that are need of the time at their discretion to give directions for the betterment of the race/s.

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Don’t quite understand what you’re implying :thinking:

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You have produced an interesting work of art.

Present it with the Rule of Thirds.

Seldom people come up with such interesting art. Let them look what needs to be looked. Don’t hide the highlights.

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Haha someone should tell him he’s not doing pushups quite right :laughing:

I love it


My only critique is I can’t tell whether the castle is supposed to be big or small? Since the texture on the wood is large it looks small, but not as much compared to the sand. :slight_smile:

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