2021 Collab: Week 48 “Mythical creatures” - CLOSED

Nah. Don’t worry. I started it so wanted to finish it. I’m just glad its over :sweat_smile:


I also thought you were onto something else and skipped this one :grin: Good one anyways, btw how long did it take to render?

Hi. And thank you. I’m not much Christmassy so having trouble to find inspiration. Keep on thinking about it, although apparently best ideas come when you don’t focus on them…
This one took 2 hours and than I feel asleep.
I don’t like it though. I spent long time on making armour and fine details and it isn’t showing due to low ress. 2K with 500 samples. It looks just blurry.
So here is better version. It took 11h 58min to render on 4K 1000 samples Than bit of postprocessing and I finally call it finished. To my abilities.
It my look like he is hovering slightly but this is moment before landing impact :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Postprocessed image

Raw render


So, that guy is made of mist/smoke and wears armour? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:

I like the first render though.

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Off course. He fights evil in physical form so needs sword to deal damage. Armor is enchanted and protects him from spells etc. :slightly_smiling_face:
Yes this one lost dust on the ground. Post processing can fix it I bet but I just got in to it. Its amazing how it splits render on to every single component and you can change emission, volume, reflection, noise all individually. Mix few renders on to one. Have like Cycles environment and Eevee puppet animation and overlay it.
Fascinating :grin:


That makes sense and I’m just going to pretend I understood everything you said about rendering.:grin:


I mean Compositing.


Wow, cool stuff.


Very nice full screen 4k size.

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Here is my entry.

Sorry for not trying to explore much about Collabs till now.

Nonetheless, will now be a regular


Next time!

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Awesome creature! For the fur, and from experience, lower the number of hairs and use interpolated children. Under Children > Roughness, use very small numbers for Uniform, Endpoint and Random. We’re talking 0.0## low. Kink > Curl, again that low amount for Amplitude.

It’s a bit of work, but use two hair systems.
For the bulk of the fur, I start with around ~500 and a length around 0.25.
Second is around ~75, lower if you just want a few random long hairs and length around 0.4. These are the loose, longer hairs

I make length and amount adjustments after I have the children setup the way I want.
After that it’s time to comb and place your fur where you want it. Looks like you do a decent job of that already.

Edit: Forgot to attach examples…


Yes! Next time onwards.

Thank you very much for all the suggestions @Digitz . I appreciate your time and effort guiding me in this journey. May we all grow together!


I struggle too with those hairs. It’s like winning the lottery if something goes well.
I will look at your advice for my Santa.


So a note for myself and others.

When working with Eevee you to switch on Eevee hair > Use Ribbon!


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