2021 Collab: Week 11 “Hair salon” - CLOSED

Booooo !!! I came in last place…

That’s it… I’m not playing anymore :sob:

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It’s all about storytelling and composition.
What is the message you are trying to express in a single illustration?
Hair salon vs Barbershop.

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Don’t be upset. Your picture is perfect. Don’t think of it as a competition. This is an incentive to practice. And the ability to see how different people represent the same topic. I voted for FedPete’s picture because it’s funny. But yours has revealed something new to me. I haven’t seen this sign before, I looked it up on Wikipedia, and I even showed it to my friends…


@Blest - oh no, I truly am joking about not playing. It’s faux upset. Not real at all. And I know it’s a fun inclusion thing and not a competition thing.

My barbers sign was actually from what was the barber / surgeon of old.

I included blue from the image I used, but this typically wasn’t included in these poles outside their practice, just leaving the red and white which I believe referred to the blood and bandages.

@FedPete, yes I see the story aspect is important - but I think this is a little incompatible with most of the community - perhaps why such a low involvement, and a (considered / anticipated) lack of a depth of knowledge also to create full scenes.

Most of the active community (it seems to me) are so busy with the course material that creating a complete scene in a week would leave little or no time for the course material.

I will undoubtedly join in again in the future, time permitting.


Oh, maybe it’s my fault. I just like to create scenes. And it all started with simple things. And I was afraid to join in, too. People just don’t understand that you can make a comb or scissors for the topic…


Oh now there’s an idea I hadn’t thought of. Brush, comb, scissors, and the sterilizing unit they keep things in from customer to customer.


Yeah I agree with @Blest and @Miss_B, that creating a model and not necessarily a complete scene is likely a more attractive and welcoming notion to entering the Weekly Collab, particularly for those engaged in course content (which seems to be the majority).

That’s not to say that people should be dissuaded from going ‘all out’ and creating a story or scene - I just don’t think most users have the time for that as well as the course material (as I mentioned above).


Don’t be disheartened, practice comes from failure… Avoid sarcasm, and keep practicing; hopefully one day your jokes will be funny. :+1:


@Jaco_Pretorius - This reply is totally unnecessary and not very friendly.

It is necessary to know that sarcasm does not translate into text-based communication and should be avoided.

This is meant as friendly advice.

Good luck.


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