2021 Collab: Week 10 “In the air” - CLOSED

Keep your feet up of the ground!

Sorry, I didn’t have time to make it better…


Something we are all more away of in the last year in the air!


Maybe add more out of focus?
And more variance in size?
Because these are tiny tiny little entities.

Nice fluffy clouds.

Time ran short. I did consider varying the sizes but thought actually they are all the same more or less probably. It is an organism thingy. I wanted more sky/clouds too but called it done for time issues. full size on my monitor it looks ok. But I often find scaled down many things are less good. Which means I should consider that more when making things that are for web use not my monitor lol.

Well, I didn’t quite finish the sculpting or texturing that I wanted to get done, but I’m pretty much out of time and I’m happy with the results. It was a good chance to practice lighting as well.


My Submission. Superman saving people.


It resemblance Disney dragon (face).

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Voting entries week 10 “In the air” theme

We have a few days to vote. You can vote fast but also think slowly about design, colours, technique, difficulty, subject, realism, etc. Choose consciously and not on your own entry.
And the next subject, week 11 “Hair salon” is already started. The winner of this week’s “In the air” challenge may select a subject for week 12.

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I’ve really missed participating in these. The variety of artistic influence a single topic can have just blows me away every time.


Why so few votes?

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Normally, when I write comments I invite people to vote. But I forgot!
But also, I don’t want to give the impression that people need to vote on my entry. Especially when I have a popular entry.

And not many people will look for threads or stumble upon like these voting pages.
A lot of student, publish at the end of a chapter or don’t bother. So they miss these invites.

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REMINDER: Go vote!!

Yeah, especially when it is such a good entry :joy:

Was close to voting for your entry but ended up supporting the “flight against the patriarchy”. :broom:

Well, to anyone seeing this go vote! And you’ll get a reminder in a couple of hours.

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Congratulations @anfloy, with finishing first in the vote for the “In the air” weekly Blender challenge. It was a close call. For other participants fine recognizable entries. I hope you’ve learned something in your Blender experience journey.

Personally I now understand better the screw-modifier better. And new insights in using Eevee.

Have fun, still some hours left for the “Hair salon” challenge.

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