My original idea was to create an entrance to the underground metro.
But I was working on an other project, where I needed a low poly skull.
So I reused stuff.
Maybe look at underground references …
My original idea was to create an entrance to the underground metro.
But I was working on an other project, where I needed a low poly skull.
So I reused stuff.
Maybe look at underground references …
I think I’ll actually get the time to work on another challenge. It’s been a few weeks for me, life certainly has a way of getting in the way of what we wish to do with those things we need to do.
Yes, thank you. But I only modelled the scull recently and the fish bones, was part of a Halloween project 2020. So, basically, it was a 15min job. Append objects mostly. I’m using the skull for this 2D drawing challenge. Which became a 3D project.
Welcome back @Digitz.
I’m thinking of maybe resurrecting the mole-rat project and using this challenge as an excuse to do the modular dungeon section… Will be keeping track of it here.
Nice topic, @JaneDoe
Was cool idea to look at references before coming up with idea @FedPete. I usually worked backwards (first idea then searching for references). Now in retrospect it seems that it’s obvious approach when stuck without idea
@Jaco_Pretorius - welcome to the “3D diary writing club”
Here is mine for this week:
Aghhh I quickly checked topics you created and didn’t notice that
My rendition of a Fallout Vault housing Blender 2.92! I might work on Lighting a bit more but this is close to the final product.
Can someone please make an anthropomorphic raccoon wearing a gangster suit, leaning on a wall while flipping a coin?
Really awesome! Fallout vault was one of the things I’ve considered as well . It reminds me fallout 1/2 feel due to camera angle and size. Big door for a fallout vault though (most ones that I remember from games where smaller) - must be an important one!
Did you model everything yourself or did you use some pre-made assets?
Hello, I am working on an underground tube station (in London). This is the train I’ll be using in my scene.
What does it need to reflect?
If your background is grey, then the reflection is equal.
So for a test make it very shiny, no roughness end see what it does.
Also the surrounding to be reflective entity needs to be bright as well.
Oh, so I’ll add in some more lights in the scene. With reflections I was trying to say it didn’t showed any reflections when I placed it in the scene…my fault, I was just having few lights in the scene. So will the Transparent BSDF work fine here? And thanks for the tip.
@Kartik_Nair, see how the checker board is reflected. But if instead, a grey even floor is used. A grey something is reflected. You need to help the viewer a bit.
Wow thanks, that works superb. It’s much better than using a Transparent BSDF. And thanks for sharing both the alternatives, I personally liked Cycles more. Thanks once again.
I tried the step and yes this was the result I desired. Actually I wanted a window material which was transparent and a little reflective at the same time. Thanks to help me out. And now I realize that these weekly challenges, is a great place to learn new tricks. It’s super cool.
I couldn’t log in to my old account so had to start a new one. I was in my old one still on my phone to keep up with the last challenge but will switch over fully to this one.
Welcome V2
Great first post.