12 greeting card designs

I had a break from my blender course, and, I’ve created these cards. xxx


“Bee-cause” you are so creative.

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It took me a couple of months to paint these, I had hoped to create a line of - gardening themed - greeting cards to wholesale, but it fell down at the challenge of how to re-stock
sites that sold the cards. The whole project seemed to take me further and further away from my real passion of creating art, nevermind.

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Yes that is always the problem, the business side. You need to have some aptitude for the business side. Then if you let or get someone else to do that side they take all the real gains, as they are good at that!

The problem for all makers and creators. For business you need not to ‘care’ much about the product. At a simple level just not putting so much time into something someone has asked you to make for a price. Goes against the creator grain. For everyone else after it is created it is just a ‘thing’ a ‘unit’ to make as much margin from as possible. They are not mentally invested in it. Plenty more ‘units’ out there.

There is no solution bar luck.

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I take a lot of tutorials about art, one of them said you should put 50% of your time studying art, and, 50% on studying business. You could be a brilliant artist but if you don’t know about business you will never succeed.

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I would love to design cards for a living xxx

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