117: Find What Works For You In Game Development with John Marshall

“Just a Game Developer trying to make the most out of life.” -John Marshall

This week we have John Marshall on. John Marshall is an aspiring indie game developer. He is currently self taught on many aspects of the game development process such as Programming, Texturing, Material Production, Animating, UI, 3D Modeling, and much more! He spends most of his time learning as much as he can and he hopes you all can get some knowledge out of his experience so far. Listen in to him answering questions about his progress how it all started and the struggles he faces. We dive deep into how he learns unreal, what language he uses and how he solves problems. We promise you will not want to miss this episode GameDev.tv students will find tons of value listening to this episode. We guarantee you will not regret listening to this episode.

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