112 in Binary and Hex

112 in bin:
112:2 = 56r0
56:2= 28r0
3:2 = 1r1
1:2 = 0r1

you read it from bottom to top : 1110000

as for Hex:
112:16 = 7r0
112:7 = 0r7

112 in Hex is :70

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Nice job with the math challenge

173 hex and bin
173/2=86 r1
86/2=43 r0
43/2=21 r1
21/2=10 r1
5/2=2 r1
2/2=0 r0
173 bin 011101

173/16= 10 r13
10/16= 0 r0
173hex is 0D

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