100 Days of 3D Design by Tiantian Xu

Hi All -
I came across this great Medium.com article from about 4 years ago. The designer, Tiantian Xu, wanted to learn 3D modeling. She wrote an excellent blog about her journey and included links to many tutorials she learned along the way. Her process was very interesting as well and could be an excellent example for improving Blender skills. Hope you find it as helpful as I have!

100 Days of 3D Design. How I taught myself 3D modeling in 100… | by Tiantian Xu | The 100 Day Project | Medium


A very incredible resource and inspiring roadmap with clear direction. Thanks so much for sharing this!

I wish I had so much organization to have improved as quickly as they did over their few months in Blender, but this is something I’ll definitely be taking some notes from and probably even try a few of those tutorials myself.


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