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I think they must be called Sam and Dean Winchester :slight_smile:

Mike & Ike

Ding and dong… Orrrheeee.

Hope and Glory :0)

Foo and Bar

donkey1 and donkey2

I think they should be called Flatwheel and Locknut.

Krstivoje i Milivoje :smiley:

(left) his names Albert, (right) is charlie and way in the back is Alejandro.


its simple, the left one should be called Dino and the right one Paul

I think they should be called Mia, Dom and Brian

Monkey and Dong :sunglasses:

Let’s go with Sam and Frodo

I would say they should be called :
Right: Not Saying Donkey
Left: Not Hearing Donkey
Back: Not Seeing Donkey

Float and Sam

frank and frankie

Donkey kongs!!

Rick (Left), Sam (Back), Ben (Right). :smiley:
I have my reasons for why they’re named in that order.

Steve, Steeve, and Steeeeeeeeeve! Looking forward to this course!

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