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Baldur and Odin

I think they should be named Frank and Hank. The fellow in the background must be Frank Jr. :rofl:

Hi, Joe and Fred!

How about Cheech and Chong

The left is Fernando and the right is Lucy

Ren and Stimpy of course!

I think they should be called Pin & Pen.

donkey0 , donkey1, donkey2

Bill and Ted

I think they should called Sam and Dean.

Larry, Curly, and Moe.

Sam and Don

Fred And Wilma

Names: Bunga and Banana

i think they should be called Bonnie & Clyde

Tom and Jerry

Grumpy and Happy

How about Don & Kay

They should be called Ping and Pong!

I think they should be called Erin and Mark

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