You Found The DONKEY Resource Links!

Barry and Archer, and Katya is in between them in the background. Guess what I am watching at this moment…

Geddy, Alex and, neil in the back.

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Hello Neil and Rick :slight_smile:

Link and Zelda.

John, Bon, Jovi xD

Mario and Luigi

Smart, Dumb, Kick

Bill & Ted

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I say, Murphy, Connor and Deuce in the way-back.

They can be known as the boondonk saints!

On the left, we have Gotha.
On the right, we have Maverre.
And the shy one in the back, we call him Stickle.

Rick, Morty, and Pencilvester.

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How about Donkey 1, Donkey 2 and Donkey 3?

Potato head and Pumpkin!

The Spanish Inquisition

  • or -

Bruce, Bruce and Bruce

I’m thinking Boo and Leon

Bill and Ted are their names

Why did some people get to post this 24 days ago? I just got this course today as a launch! Anyway, glad to actually see people here. I was taking the Unity development course and it’s pretty dead over there. I guess it’s over a year old so I shouldn’t expect much.

So the donkeys should be: Don, Miguel, and Quix.

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Early access for kickstarter backers.

I was taking the Unity development course and it’s pretty dead over there

Over where?

I think they should be named Thing 1 and Thing 2

Sam and Frodo!

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