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I’d call them L and V

Tom, Dick and Harry

Castor, Pollux and Uknown Hinson (in the back).

I love them to be called Yin and Yang

Prop & Berta

Well, how about Pamel and Cascal… though they might not like these weird twisted names, but that’s the worst case :slight_smile:.

They should be made todd and sam

Samantha & Hennessy (You guys gave too many boy names)

I think these guys are Jack and Spark

Greetings, Thorton and Morton.

Greeting, Homar and Homarah

Don and Kay, obviously.

jack and jones

Rick, Slick, and Hick.

Tootsie and Missy

DonkQuixote, Kong, and Bob…

Jim and Joesph

I think their names should be monkey, coconut, and Jim Carrey.

Simon & Garfunkel

Hans and Peter

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