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Sword, Shield and Spear :wink:

Adam, Jack and Steve

Meet Christoff and Christoff.

Magrathea, Ford and Dent Arthur Dent!

I think they should be called Bill and Ben.

I think they should be called Bucephalus and Ben

Jack and Expletive?


Fred & Ethel

Trying out the code block

Console.WriteLine("I think they should be called Mustang and Sally");

I think these are Rick & Ben

Should be called rick and morty

Name them Lechuga and Asparagus!

Ed, Edd and Eddy

Name them Bill and Ted. and send them off on excellent adventures.

Donkey_1, Donkey_2 ?

Vladmir and Donald

Dynasty & Empire

There are three donkeys right?
I think the names should be
Don, Key and Peele

i would call them daniel & tom

Bobson and Dugnutt

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