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Illidan, Varian and Simon

Wake and Reece

Nuchwurth, Clebber, Sedril the pedestrian anti-equestrians.

Their not wearing hats or llamas but Iā€™m going to name them Carl and Paul

Jack and Jill should be there names!

Donkey and Kong

I see a Rick and a Don

Val and Earl.

They are a He and a Haw

they should be call, Marc, Mike and Bart XD

Itā€™s pretty clear that they should be called Ren and Stimpy

They should be named Mario and Luigi

What a challengeā€¦Sledge & Hammer should be fine names.

Iā€™d go for Jetstorm and Firestarter, one in the back is Frodo.

I think they should be called Jack and Jill

Larry, Curly & Moe.

They should be named Groucho, Harpo , and Chico :face_with_monocle:

My Names are Dwopple and Keflin.

Frick and Frak

Ebb and Flow

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