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I think they should be called rick and morty :grinning:

i found it

Charlie, DonkeySlayer & Sprinkles. LOL

Dominik, Frank & Rey…
Try to guess why I named em these names :smirk: :sunglasses:

Definitely Dick and Liddy.

Hum and Hee

luis and naise

maybe burro and dante

I’m Italian, so I’ll go for Gianni e Pinotto :wink:

Should be Bill and Ben

They are definitely called Aswald and Harmony.

Donkey Odie, Sancho Panza and Rocinante :smiley:

Sharon, Lois, and Bram

Squee and Spleen

Bill & Ted

Bob and Lesley? I don’t know many names for donkeys! :rofl:

Uni and Ty :wink:

Since it seems that these Donkeys are in some sort of an arid environment lets name them, start from Right to Left; Pablo, Benholio, and Steve.

Ralph and Laura

Walter & Jesse

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