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They should be called Donkey and Donklock

it’s Donkey and Kong and … Bruce

They are of course Walt and Jesse :slight_smile:

Paul and Frank

they should be called steeve and mark

public string[ ] donkeyNames = new string[2];
I think they should be called donkeyNames[0] and donkeyNames[1]

Boris and Johnston

I think Jack and Ass make sense.

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Athos, Porthos, and Aramis!

I think they should be called Judy and Clarence

I think they should be called David, Donna and Karen.

Carlton, Desmond and Jonas, they are 2 workers and a supervisor.

jack and ben

Sam the brave and Petrof the armadillo.

I think they should be called donkey_1 and donkey_2

I will call them Tom and Jerry

They shall be called Donkee and Taco

I think they should be called Ed and Edd. And there is Eddy in the backround.

Erna and Emil would be great names :slight_smile:

Lister and Smeg

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