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Maybe Bull and Cow? :wink:

I think they should be called Eddie and Kong

Frik and Frak :joy:

sedat and mert

Gin and Fizz

Kong & Donkey

Since Iโ€™m currently hyped for the new Last Jedi trailer Iโ€™ll call the donkeyโ€™s Rey, Finn, and Poe :slight_smile:
Happy to be starting this course and to make it my fifth certificate (after C#, VR, Physics, and Cert)!

Bill and Ben

Statler and Waldorf!

I think they should be called Bill & Ben.

I think Sam and Dean would fit.

Cool I found Don and Key

Gunther and Renee

I think they should be called Xavier and Axis.

Aaron and Amber

Odis and Pokey

Pokey and Pookie.

Unity, Unreal and Gamemaker :smiley:

bill and ben

Larry, Darryl and his other brother Darryl

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