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I’ll name them Sabrino and Filomeno

Rocket, Propelled & Grenade in the back.

Bilblo and Bolbo

Don and Key…DonKey :wink:

burr and ittos

Simon and Andries (My 2 brothers)


Happy and ToBeHere

Am i late to the party? I think they should be called barry and susan

Bill & Ted


Bob and Jim

What about Donkey, Diddy and Dixie?

Berto, Gorio, and Procopio :grinning:

I think they should be called Joe and Rosie :slight_smile:

Sara and Stephen!

donk1, donk2, and donk3

I think they should be called Bill & Ben.

Arthas, Sephiroth, and Gordon.

I think they should be called Lemes and Tutu.

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