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I think they should be called Jay and Silent Bob

Frick and Frack

They should be called Bill and Ted.

They should be named Fred and George

Ben & Jerry ? I may need some ice cream … :\

I think they should be called Key and Don

The names can be “Donkey” and “Kong”.

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Donkeys or Dante & Virigil ?

Raymond Burr and Judge Ito… that way they could run for Congress, and when elected they could propose the Burr-Ito Act… :wink:

Oops 1 and Oops 2

Rascal, Stan and Tailer

Dash and Jasper

Geralt and Lambert

I think they’ll be names Bill & Ted. They’ll have excellent adventures.

i would call them ike & mike

I think they should be called Unity & Unreal :slight_smile:

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they should be Steve & Tony

Beevis and Butthead…?

Sam and Frodo

Learning to make RPGs? Lets call them Zoltan and Dandelion, then. How’s that for ambition…

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