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Frodo & Sam

Bill and Ted

! Why don’t you name the third donkey too? :frowning:
Phill, Ugo aaaaaaaaand Ralf!

Phil and Jimmy

Donkey-pede and Mildred. :grin:

How about Bill and Steve.
The one in the back should be Gabes :grin:

Ssakcaj, Yeknod and Elum.

Bright and Shade.

Escobar & Jack

I think they should be called jen jack and jerry


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Let’s call them John and Jon.

Let’s call them Harry, and Sally.

there names are bill and bob

I think they should be named… Amelia, Horatio and Philomena.

I think they should be called Donkey Choo, Donkey Boo and DonLucykey.

Oingo and Boingo

They should be called Ping and Pong!

I think they should be named “Gordos, the Maximus of Pain” and “Steve.”

How about Steve and Rick.

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