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Doc, Grumpy and Dopey

Thing 1 and Thing 2

I think they should be called Bud & Dot.

Sandy, Cindy and Mindy.

They should be called Jannie and Sannie

Rick, Ben & Melpermo

Thunder & Lightning !

Don and Key would be fitted i guess!

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Thinking Eeyore & Baba Looey… Ya I’m old :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you should name the donkeys George and Mildred, they were always ‘game’ for a laugh,

Tialys and Salmakia

Nice to meet you. I’m Haruji Burke.

I think they should be called Gray, Black and White

Jack and *** would be mine.

My family always tended to just call things what they are. The cat was always called cat. So I guess these guys would be named Jack and Donkey to be nice.

How about Bob, Gertrude and Helda!?

I’d name them Tea and Cup, for no other reason than I like the sound of it.

Don and Keyster

Wellington, Nelson, and Madame du Pompadour.

Donkey instanceOne and instanceTwo (Ben Style) / Mr. Bernard The Rabbit Agitator and Sir. Charles The V from The Royal Shabby Order (Rick Style).

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