I had to recently redo/restart the course from scratch after losing all my files by mistakenly corrupting my hard drive. Have recently installed back up hard drive and got myself a NAS server so that accident will not happen again. I was 66% into the course at the time this happened. Lesson learned the hard way I guess :).
Remember to always back up your files folks. Anyways just got the terrain / village building section of the course and this my current work in progress
Basically with my camera control and mouse orbit I am attempting to copy the implementation of Guild Wars 2. Mouse rotation, zoom and layer collision to mimic GW2 are basically done at this point. Will be working on strafing / dodging / character turn as I ago along with the course.
Game does not have a name at the moment. I find its always the hardest thing to solve / complete when doing project and it click when it clicks. I am very bad and thinking up names in general.
Update [13/01/2018]
Updated project with
- Player attack animation, audio triggers, enemy archetypes, player and enemy damage