Why isn't my particle effect colliding with my enemy? 2D

This is a totally off course game project that I’ve come up with, and I wanted the player ship to shoot lasers (which are particle effects) that are meant to hit and eventually destroy the enemy. This project is also a 2D game. I’ve used method OnParticleCollision on a script and wrote a simple debug.log in it. When I tested the game out, the enemy seems like it isn’t getting hit at all. No debug.log. I’ve also looked into the sorting layers of all the gameobjects and everything is on the same layer. Can you help?

Hi Pratyush,

Did you enable “Send Collision Messages” in the Particle System? And does the enemy have got a collider attached?

Yes, I’ve checked all of these but it still isn’t quite working.

Maybe the particles don’t interact with 2D Colliders. Is the Mode of the Collision module set to 2D?

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