Why I want to lampoon the video game industry

Why I want to lampoon the video game industry
I’m tired of “my children” {nephews, nieces, friend’s children, associate’s students, etc} that are raised on the latest cell phone OR game console. I grew up on technology and it was a miracle cure, but I’m finally at the point where I’ll puke if I see another gadget or thingy ma-jig. This is partially the consumers’ fault, since gamers went from really intelligent nerdy people who were picked on, to really pretentious picky people who go to the video game Olympics. Stop rewarding your omegas for their technology addiction and go back to rewarding them for your technology addiction. Perhaps stop with techno addiction would be nice too.

Physical health risks and workaholic behavior:
I have carpal tunnels, WASD fingers, a bad back, hearts a mess, and tendinitis. I know it’s my mid thirties that crept up on me, but no, it’s really honesty about to witness the negative side effects of multiple industries {Food, movie, video game}, in addition to my mid thirties. I don’t need video games banned or for commie mommy to protect me from myself, but a heads up to the next generation on the hazards of technology is always appreciated. I know everyone wants to be accepted for "their life style choice”, but let’s face it, some seem healthier than others.

Let us play some sentence games:
Video games → Roughly 370 mg of dopamine released.
Cocaine → Roughly 400mg of dopamine released.
Sugar → 4x more addictive than cocaine
Bread → Sugar loaf
Milk → Liquid sugar
Breakfast → (Liquid sugar) + (processed sugar loaf)

40 hour normal industry work weeks with 13.33 hours of pay → slavery
120 hour video game industry work weeks with 40.00 hours of pay → slavery
120 hour work weeks with 120.00 hours of pay → workaholic/crunch mode
56 hour game and movie weeks with 0.0 hours of pay → media addict

Good job!

I am not sure that all of your statistics are right. There are ways that computer games can ease a child’s life by making him think faster and give him a lot of imagination. I am sure that the child raised in a good loving family, where his parents took care of him, nothing wrong will happen if he plays on the computer. I have such a wonderful nephew that I love playing, and I am so happy to share all of my achievements in CSGO, giving him interesting sites like https://skinsmonkey.com/ to make his play more interesting, and I love it!

Only jerks play games !

Where did you get only aggression on video games? Treat games easier… Why do you see only the bad in this? Haven’t you had a case when it was very boring, and you had to kill time? Or, for example, you had a busy day, and you don’t want anything but to relax… Many people relax by playing Runescape or any other games. Someone likes to learn a lot of new information on the Wpssoffice platform in their free time and improve their level of play. Someone enjoys some tips or reviews on the game. Everything is very individual.

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