Why fading the alpha so...complex?

So when we fade the color of the panel we do it in 5 steps if i understand correctly? :

public float fadeInTime;

private Image fadePanel;	//1. Create an empty "imageholder"
private Color currentColor = Color.black; // 2. Create a color that is black

void Start () {
	fadePanel = GetComponent<Image>(); // 3. Assign the imageholder an image component

void Update ()
	if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < fadeInTime) {
		float alphachange = Time.deltaTime/fadeInTime;
		currentColor.a -= alphachange; //4. Change the color we created
		fadePanel.color = currentColor; // 5. Set the color of the image to the color we created
	} else {


This seems a bit “complex” to me. Instead of these id like to do only one line:

public float fadeInTime;

void Update ()
	if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < fadeInTime) {
		float alphachange = Time.deltaTime/fadeInTime;
		GetComponent<Image>().color.a - alphachange; // 1. get the image component, access its alpha color and change it
	} else {


But this gives me an error: "only assignment, call…and new object expressions can be used as a statement"
Why am i getting this error? and why do we need 4 lines of code to change the alphavalue of a color?

I dont know this is what u looking for but maybe it helps. I saw that tip at the middle test.

@LuckieLuuke There’re several reasons:

  1. GetComponent() is a slow method, you should always avoid its use inside Update(), it’s way faster to get a reference at the start of the script and then use that reference, you save a lot of CPU cycles.

  2. The line:

should be an assignment, you need to tell the compiler where you want to store that subtraction.
It’s like writing a line like: x+y; without an assignment (or it not being an argument for a method).

  1. Even so, it wouldn’t work since you can’t change the alpha channel directly, the color.a (and color.r, g and b) are read-only, and to modify the color you need to pass a new Color struct (a Color struct is basically a Vector4, and indeed a Vector4 can be implicitly converted to Color).
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Thanks so much Galandil, very helpful! Now I understand.
Really wish they would tell me why i am doing things in this course instead of just how to do it.

I had the same problem, and I really appreciate this posting.

If anyone else has the same issues I did, I took 30 minutes to better understand this code, and I think I now get it.

To teach is to learn twice, so please see below my code for explanations (and let me know if I messed something up!):

	public float fadeInTime; // must be declared up here instead of in the start below b/c this variable needs to be able to go in both start and update methods (can't be limited to just 1 of the 2). Try adding it to start and remove from here to see the error.
	private Image fadePanel; // same as above
    private Color currentColor = Color.black; //same as above. Also, Color here is not the 'color' element of the Image on our Side Panel gameObject, but rather a separate instance of the Color class. 

We will assign our fadePanel in the start b/c GetComponent should only be called once (in Start instead of update) because it is a costly function for the CPU:

    void Start()
        fadePanel = gameObject.GetComponent<Image>(); // 1. Assigns the fadePanel as the Image component of the gameObject that this script is attached to.

Here is the important part – currentColor again is not the color of the Image component on the gameObject that our script is attached to. Instead, currentColor is a completely separate color that we are lowering the alpha in each step.

We then assign the completely separate currentColor to be the fadePanel’s color, changing the color of our Panel.

    void Update()
        if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < fadeInTime)
            //Fade In
            float alphaChange = Time.deltaTime / fadeInTime; // Setting this "/" operation as a variable, so that we can easily debug it later if needed (instead of debugging Time.deltaTime / fadeInTime each time, alphaChange is a bit easier to type.
            currentColor.a -= alphaChange;  //Here is the important part -- currentColor again is not the color of the Image component on the gameObject that our script is attached to. Instead,  currentColor is a completely separate/different color instance that we are lowering the alpha of, in each step.
            fadePanel.color = currentColor; // now we assign the completely separate currentColor to be the fadePanel's color, changing the color 
// (Even though we are just changing the alpha, the resulting color is actually a new color -- Color is made of 4 elements: red, green, blue, and alpha; any change to the alpha means the color becomes a different color, just as adding more red or blue or green makes a color become a new color)

HAVING SAID all that, this lesson / video does not show the best way to do fades in general. A much better way to do fades is to use Canvas Groups instead of panels, as Canvas Groups are designed to fade in and still allow clicks (as well as it requires less code): CanvasGroup For Fading?

Hope that helps!

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