Why does Windows Defender flag our TripleX Games as trojans? (Section 2)

Once I was done with my game I felt like sharing it to my friends but once I did, they showed me a screenshot of Windows Defender detecting my game as a trojan which is pretty weird. I checked VirusTotal and it seems that 3 Antiviruses detected it as a trojan, including Windows Defender. I thought that there was something weird with my code so I took someone’s code on the post and the same thing happened to it, 3/70 detections.

Of course I could ask my friends to simply disable their anti-virus, but some will for sure find it strange since Windows Defender is pretty well known for being reliable.

Here’s my code if you’d like to compile it

Hi I was getting the same thing. It started happening in section 2, lesson 30, when I added the

#include ctime

preprocessor (if I add the left and right arrows around “ctime” above, it hides the word). When I compiled that, Windows Defender flagged triplex.cpp as a “Win32/Wacatac.B!ml” trojan, which it clearly isn’t (multiple scans from several antivirus confirm this). And then, even after removing that ctime preproccessor directive, it still flagged anything I compiled in Visual Studio Code as a trojan.

The way (in fact, the ONLY way) I got around this was by adding triplex.cpp (I just added my entire Unreal Projects folder, where I keep my course code) as an exclusion in Windows Defender. Here’s a page on how to do that if you’re interested.


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