Why can't I play 2 animation track at the same time in Timeline?

try to move and rotate camera at the same time in timeline. To do this, I added two animation track to camera. One animation track changes position of the camera. And the other one changes rotation of camera. But they are not working at the same time. When I press “preview” button, only rotation of camera changes

This video may help understaing if my question is not clear


In which course and lecture are you?

Argon Assault Chapter 4. New content(2020.1)
Master Timeline for Player Rail

I’ve checked the Timeline videos, and Rick has got only one camera. Have you already rewatched the relevant videos at least one more time? Is there any reason why you need two separate animation tracks for the camera? Actually, you could animate and rotate the camera in the same track.

The link you posted says there was no video. Could you please check it?

Yes, Rick has one camera but I want to do something different.
And yes I need 2 seperate animation track because ı want to change position and rotation of the cube at
the same time.If I do that on one animation track, cube doesn’t rotate the way that I want. I want the cube to rotate around object like the earth rotate around the sun. But ıt rotates and then moves ıf ı do that on one animation track.

And if do that on two animaton track, ıt doesn’t rotate and move at the same time. Just one of them (rotate or move) works

I changed the link.
Thanks for interest!

What do you mean by that?

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