What the oldest computer game you've played?

Oldest game I played on pc…prolly the calculator. yep…im counting it(pun intended).

Oldest in general. . .Geez. Take your pick on Atari. PacMan. I love Galaga.
I just found an old copy of wrecking crew(nes).

Gyruss—I was trying to remember the name of that game the other day. All I could think of was Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor, or rather an 8-bit arcadish rock-ish version of it that was the music of the game. It was an attempt at simulating 3d given 2d constraints. The ship moved in a circle and enemies started in the center, small, and moved outward, expanding in size to simulate coming from a distance. Real 3D couldn’t be done back then (the fastest computer at the time, a Cray II I think it was, could render low-res and rather simple 3D graphics, using ray tracing, at one frame per 8 minutes, and when I read that in a Scientific American article–a guy named Pruitt wrote the software–I was impressed :slight_smile: ) so tricks were used, like with Gyruss or Pole Position or Dragon’s Lair (which was a lot of video clips on a laserdisk, the olde-tyme version of a dvd).

After finishing the Unity course, I am currently working on a 1942 clone/update. Being a one man studio has helped me greatly appreciate the amount of work that went into those machines.

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The music was exceptional for the time :astonished:. I had no idea that the music was based on a piece of music written by Bach until many, many years later. So by then I was somewhat proficient at guitar and revisited the game primarily for the music and learning that piece.

I’ll gladly offer my services up as a play-tester :sunglasses:!

I think it was Frak On the BBC Micro… But it’s all a bit of a fuzz, it could have been a missile defender clone, I don’t remember what was first, but I remember it was my cousin’s beeb during the summer, and we played Frak the most. About 6 months later we got a SEGA master system with spy vs spy and Transbot, so they were the first games I really got to know.

Did you ever see a Spectrum cassette game load up?
It was a joy to watch (hey, it was 1985 and I was only 3) it makes a crazy crackling sound as it boots up and it looks like the spectrum was having a siezure. The best thing is that each game made it’s own sounds, because a lot of the crackling sound is played when the game splash screen is loading up, so it sounds different depending on what lines it is drawing on the screen.
Take a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5So2rbX84uI this is from a brilliant game called Underwurld.

That load up made me laugh so hard xD…

I officially want it! >.>

haha, I’m sure you can still find some old Speccys on ebay. There are so many great games on it too. The only problem is, each one takes a good 5 minutes to load, as you can see :smiley:

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I don’t recall playing any games on my first DOS-Based computer, but the first game I ever played on my Windows 95 computer was Myst (and of course then Riven).

Back then, the original versions were created with Bryce (newer versions and extensions are created with Maya), and that’s how I got into 3D. Bryce was my first 3D app (circa 2000/2001), and still my go-to software for creating and rendering outdoor scenes.


Wow yea, Bryce, I had a go at that years ago, used a tutorial to make a nice 3D wine glass, and I had a play around with the mountain tool as well (I forgot the name). The one where you supply it a picture, and based on the colours in the picture (dark is a low mountain ridge, white is high) it will create a mountain based on the picture, crazy :slight_smile:
Ive got Myst and Riven from DOS box, but I’ve never played them. Some people say they are great, others say they are bad, what are your thoughts?
The first graphical adventure game I played was probably Labyrinth of Time on the Amiga CD32

Back in the day when they first came out, I liked them, but now-a-days I would consider them rudimentary. Gaming has come a long way since then. I have a friend who’s been trying to get me into WoW for years, but I’m not really into MMORPG, so have resisted.

That said, I have a wallpaper I found at the Elder Scrolls/SkyRim site on my desktop. I love 3D graphics, and creating them, but never really got into animating any of them.

@Stephen_Watson @Miss_B
Myst is a timeless classic! Don’t know if you guys know, but the same team that created Myst recently released a game called “Obduction” which was designed in the same puzzle-adventure spirit. If you guys liked Myst, I highly recommend checking it out! It’s sold on Steam! Pretty cheap too!

@Zii No I wasn’t aware, and I don’t do Steam, but I know a couple/three folks who are members there, so will definitely mention it to them.

Yes I have heard of that game, and I dropped it in my wishist, so one day I might get around ti playing it.
@Miss_B If you never got into animating, maybe you would prefer just creating static pre-rendered backgrounds, like Final Fantasy 7, or the Resident Evil, or even good old fashioned point and click games :slight_smile:
I played WoW for a while, it is a grindfest and was unbalanced when I played, its got good and bad points, I won’t ever go back to it. MMOs take up far too much time, I’m still trying to get to the end of my character stories in Guild Wars 2 and Star Trek Online.

I do render scenes, I just don’t render them in Blender. I use Blender strictly for modeling and UV mapping. I use other 3D apps for rendering portrait and/or landscape scenes.

The first games I remember playing were Frogger and Space Invaders on the BBC Micro B

Oh yes, I played Myst on a PowerBook Duo, mostly when it was docked into my Duo Dock. It was my freshman year in college, and I had a fraternity brother who would feed me hints on it. :smiley:

I grew up in the '90s, so my earliest gaming memories are of Clyde and Xargon. Then there was Grandma’s house and the SNES- which makes me want a copy of Mario Maker so badly. Other cartridges I played were A Link to the Past, Yoshi’s Cookie and Jurassic Park. (Too bad Yoshi’s Cookie never got a sequel.) :-1:

BTW, are you aware that the Myst series is now available on Steam? :smiley:

No I wasn’t aware the Myst games are on Steam, but it doesn’t really surprise me.

I’m not really into playing games that much anymore, but if I were I’d probably check it out, though I’m not a fan of having Steam software on my computer to play their games.

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