What I think each part of a piece of code does

  • Preprocessor directive: It includes important files to be needed by our program.
  • Main function: It is the function which is called by the operating system when the program is
  • Expression statements: These are the statements which contain an expression and is terminated
    with a semi-colon {;}.
  • Declaration statements: These are the statements in which variables and constants are declared.
  • Return statement: It returns a value to the operating system and if returned then it denotes that the
    program ran successfully.

Preprocessor Directive: A line at the start of the file that tells the compiler to include a library. The library here is “< iostream >”

Main Function: The main part of our code. Here reside our statements that are later executed.

Expression Statements: Are lines of code that are followed by a semicolon.

Declaration Statements: Are lines of code that declare the value of a variable or constant.

Return Statement: A line that indicates the end of our function.

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