What a progress!

I modeled this car the last year. It took me MANY, MANY weeks to get it done. Not only the modeling, also texturing and light setup took a lot of time.
The final blend-file has 363,2 MB
Render time for one frame at 1280x720 was about 7 minutes.

The second car I did took me one week. 15 hours.
The final blend-file has a size of just 3.2 MB
Render time for one frame at 1280x720 was about 2 minutes.

So I dare to say that’s progress in every single part.


Stefan those both look my friend!! Really amazing job…very well done on the videos and animated spin! You definitely see he progress in the outcome of your second car…you must feel pretty good about it as you can see how far you have come since the first one even though the first one is pretty damned good swell ! But 1 week render times holy **** mate! You tie up your computer rendering for an entire week …that must be soo painful! Wouldn’t sending it out to a render farm like sheepit get the job done a lot quicker and easier? This is great Stefan really well done…awesome! I hope we get more amazing weeklies like this one where everyone gets into it does great work and we have tons of discussion and sharing on how things are done…this was a super productive week…probably one of the best ones yet for learning all around and great model outcomes…

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